
In April 2024, I led the redesign of Don Bosco College's website to create a user-friendly, easily maintainable platform. Collaborating with Prof. Neil Maheshwari and Mark Fernandes, we crafted an engaging landing page, a scalable document acquisition system, and a versatile text page CMS using Framer. This case study highlights our objectives, approaches, and solutions, enhancing the college's online presence for all visitors.


April 2024


Darin Menezes (Me) - Design and Framer Development

Prof. Neil Maheshwari - Project Approval and Liaison

Mark Fernandes - Data Provision and Technical Support

Main Responsibilities

UI / UX / Framer Development / CMS Systems Creation

Landing Page


The college tasked me with creating a landing page that effectively communicates three primary aspects:

  • The vibrant campus life and overall student experience.

  • A comprehensive overview of the courses offered.

  • The college's accreditation and credentials.


To meet these requirements, I incorporated the following elements into the landing page:

  • A series of images capturing the dynamic and engaging atmosphere of campus life.

  • Dedicated sections detailing the various courses available to prospective students.

  • A prominent banner highlighting the college’s accreditation, complete with a link to detailed credential information.

Document Acquisition Pages

Objective: To create a user-friendly system where prospective students, current students, faculty, alumni, and other visitors can easily find and download important documents in PDF format.

Approach: The key challenge was managing a large number of pages dedicated to downloadable files, necessitating a scalable solution.


  • Scalable Design: The design of the document acquisition pages can be easily replicated. By copying the page template, changing the headers, and adding new links via the CMS, the system can accommodate an expanding array of documents.

  • Content Management System (CMS): Implemented using Framer's built-in CMS tool, this allows faculty and web managers to upload drive-hosted links with titles and tags indicating where the files should be displayed. This ensures that even those without knowledge of Framer can maintain and update the site.

  • User-Friendly Interface: The design features clear sections for different document categories, making it easy for users to navigate and find the information they need.

  • Efficiency: By centralizing document management, the system reduces the clutter of multiple pages and streamlines the process of finding and downloading files.

Text Page CMS

Objective: To enable the addition of text pages for communicating important information or letters from key individuals within the college.

Approach: Leveraging the CMS system, we developed a solution that allows for the easy creation and management of text-based content.


  • Content Management System (CMS): Utilizing the CMS tool in Framer, faculty and web managers can effortlessly add new text pages. This system supports the inclusion of letters, announcements, and other essential information from important individuals within the college.

  • Ease of Use: The CMS allows for straightforward updates and additions, ensuring that even those without technical expertise can manage the content effectively.

  • Consistent Design: The text pages maintain a consistent design, ensuring a cohesive look and feel across the website while allowing flexibility for various types of content.


With this project for the Don Bosco College I successfully addressed the institution’s requirements by creating a user-friendly and easily maintainable website. The landing page effectively showcases the vibrant campus life, course offerings, and accreditation credentials. The document acquisition system ensures efficient management and accessibility of important documents, while the text pages allow for seamless updates of informational content.

Working on this project was a rewarding experience. I thoroughly enjoyed using Framer to design and develop the website, and I learned a great deal throughout the process.

I would like to extend my gratitude to the college management and the principal for giving me this opportunity, as well as to Prof. Neil Maheshwari for his guidance and support, and to Mark Fernandes for his invaluable technical assistance and provision of necessary data. Their trust and support were instrumental in bringing this project to life.

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© Darin Menezes, 2024




In April 2024, I led the redesign of Don Bosco College's website to create a user-friendly, easily maintainable platform. Collaborating with Prof. Neil Maheshwari and Mark Fernandes, we crafted an engaging landing page, a scalable document acquisition system, and a versatile text page CMS using Framer. This case study highlights our objectives, approaches, and solutions, enhancing the college's online presence for all visitors.


April 2024


Darin Menezes (Me) - Design and Framer Development

Prof. Neil Maheshwari - Project Approval and Liaison

Mark Fernandes - Data Provision and Technical Support

Main Responsibilities

UI / UX / Framer Development / CMS Systems Creation

Landing Page


The college tasked me with creating a landing page that effectively communicates three primary aspects:

  • The vibrant campus life and overall student experience.

  • A comprehensive overview of the courses offered.

  • The college's accreditation and credentials.


To meet these requirements, I incorporated the following elements into the landing page:

  • A series of images capturing the dynamic and engaging atmosphere of campus life.

  • Dedicated sections detailing the various courses available to prospective students.

  • A prominent banner highlighting the college’s accreditation, complete with a link to detailed credential information.

Document Acquisition Pages

Objective: To create a user-friendly system where prospective students, current students, faculty, alumni, and other visitors can easily find and download important documents in PDF format.

Approach: The key challenge was managing a large number of pages dedicated to downloadable files, necessitating a scalable solution.


  • Scalable Design: The design of the document acquisition pages can be easily replicated. By copying the page template, changing the headers, and adding new links via the CMS, the system can accommodate an expanding array of documents.

  • Content Management System (CMS): Implemented using Framer's built-in CMS tool, this allows faculty and web managers to upload drive-hosted links with titles and tags indicating where the files should be displayed. This ensures that even those without knowledge of Framer can maintain and update the site.

  • User-Friendly Interface: The design features clear sections for different document categories, making it easy for users to navigate and find the information they need.

  • Efficiency: By centralizing document management, the system reduces the clutter of multiple pages and streamlines the process of finding and downloading files.

Text Page CMS

Objective: To enable the addition of text pages for communicating important information or letters from key individuals within the college.

Approach: Leveraging the CMS system, we developed a solution that allows for the easy creation and management of text-based content.


  • Content Management System (CMS): Utilizing the CMS tool in Framer, faculty and web managers can effortlessly add new text pages. This system supports the inclusion of letters, announcements, and other essential information from important individuals within the college.

  • Ease of Use: The CMS allows for straightforward updates and additions, ensuring that even those without technical expertise can manage the content effectively.

  • Consistent Design: The text pages maintain a consistent design, ensuring a cohesive look and feel across the website while allowing flexibility for various types of content.


With this project for the Don Bosco College I successfully addressed the institution’s requirements by creating a user-friendly and easily maintainable website. The landing page effectively showcases the vibrant campus life, course offerings, and accreditation credentials. The document acquisition system ensures efficient management and accessibility of important documents, while the text pages allow for seamless updates of informational content.

Working on this project was a rewarding experience. I thoroughly enjoyed using Framer to design and develop the website, and I learned a great deal throughout the process.

I would like to extend my gratitude to the college management and the principal for giving me this opportunity, as well as to Prof. Neil Maheshwari for his guidance and support, and to Mark Fernandes for his invaluable technical assistance and provision of necessary data. Their trust and support were instrumental in bringing this project to life.

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Find me online.

Thoughts, Tips, and General Life Updates.

© Darin Menezes, 2024